Yeeeeaaahh…I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of robots and not genegineered humans (is what I would say tot he young man speaking, were I there). A genie may have a set of attributes and compulsion that can guide his or her decisions, but s/he can still decide. It’s like this: when you wake up in the morning, you can have a waffle or you can have a raw onion; nothing is forcing you to have the waffled, but a wide range of encoded genetic and behavioral attributes and compulsions are guiding your choice away from the onion.
That answer is way too Old World Order. Look at all those sentences and big words. We don’t pay attention to biology and neuroscience in the New World Order.
Yeah, gee, far be it for the NWOs to actually use their brains and think for a change~ They’re just using terror and preconceived notions to get their way! …Their revolution won’t solve anything, anyways. It just doesn’t work that way; no way the political leaders want ALL contact with alien life-forms to stop, they WANT the economic benefits it brings!
A smart world leader would want to maintain good relations with both the aliens living on Earth and with alien governments. Earth has as many allies as it does enemies, and even an enemy doesn’t need to be an enemy forever. A paranoid, xenophobic backward-looking extremist government, though, might behave differently, economic benefits or no.
The comics on this website range in rating from all ages to teen. Content warnings include some occasional mild language and some innuendo, and some not-very-graphic violence.
Yeeeeaaahh…I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of robots and not genegineered humans (is what I would say tot he young man speaking, were I there). A genie may have a set of attributes and compulsion that can guide his or her decisions, but s/he can still decide. It’s like this: when you wake up in the morning, you can have a waffle or you can have a raw onion; nothing is forcing you to have the waffled, but a wide range of encoded genetic and behavioral attributes and compulsions are guiding your choice away from the onion.
That answer is way too Old World Order. Look at all those sentences and big words. We don’t pay attention to biology and neuroscience in the New World Order.
Yeah, gee, far be it for the NWOs to actually use their brains and think for a change~ They’re just using terror and preconceived notions to get their way! …Their revolution won’t solve anything, anyways. It just doesn’t work that way; no way the political leaders want ALL contact with alien life-forms to stop, they WANT the economic benefits it brings!
A smart world leader would want to maintain good relations with both the aliens living on Earth and with alien governments. Earth has as many allies as it does enemies, and even an enemy doesn’t need to be an enemy forever. A paranoid, xenophobic backward-looking extremist government, though, might behave differently, economic benefits or no.