*nods* Oh yes. That is a statistic that could get WILDLY out of control. As could the concept of shipping people to other planets “at their own expense.”
“Called it.” Daaaaaaaang. The eye-roll really sells it. They’re sentencing him to death and he’s making them look like a total joke… I just hope the cavalry arrives in time, this guy is too awesome to die.
Of course, sentencing someone to death is all fine and good. Actually killing someone face to face is an entirely different matter. Especially someone who reminds you of the crabby uncle that still lives on your grandparents’ farm and pends most of his tim bitchingabout “kids today,” but, if you get him going (and drunk enough) tells some kickass stories about back in the day.
I can guarantee they won’t get 1224 volunteers for the job. Unfortunately it only takes one. Well. This is Roger, I guess we’ll have to see if it only takes one.
She’s either really angry with him or never cared about her democracy other than as a means of legitimization. She’s criticizing the ones who voted against her preferred solution, openly!
The comics on this website range in rating from all ages to teen. Content warnings include some occasional mild language and some innuendo, and some not-very-graphic violence.
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Oh man, that is just too funny. I’d be curious to hear how many aliens they think haven’t committed any crimes.
*nods* Oh yes. That is a statistic that could get WILDLY out of control. As could the concept of shipping people to other planets “at their own expense.”
“Called it.” Daaaaaaaang. The eye-roll really sells it. They’re sentencing him to death and he’s making them look like a total joke… I just hope the cavalry arrives in time, this guy is too awesome to die.
Of course, sentencing someone to death is all fine and good. Actually killing someone face to face is an entirely different matter. Especially someone who reminds you of the crabby uncle that still lives on your grandparents’ farm and pends most of his tim bitchingabout “kids today,” but, if you get him going (and drunk enough) tells some kickass stories about back in the day.
I can guarantee they won’t get 1224 volunteers for the job. Unfortunately it only takes one. Well. This is Roger, I guess we’ll have to see if it only takes one.
Dang, she’s gotta be mighty upset with him to ridicule her own voters for not being ‘with her’ enough…
She’s either really angry with him or never cared about her democracy other than as a means of legitimization. She’s criticizing the ones who voted against her preferred solution, openly!
those masks are really creepy
Lol Jackson is almost adorable with his naivety.