Jonathon has been making comics for a very long time, but they only became good enough to share online circa 2002. Having lived in four countries on three continents, he is inspired to draw stories about ordinary people inhabiting strange worlds, much as our strange world is full of interestingly ordinary people. For the past decade he has mostly stayed put in just one part of the world. He lives in Vancouver, Canada, and when not drawing comics he teaches elementary school.
Jonathon has self-published two graphic novels, Lords of Death and Life, which received a Xeric Grant in 2010, and A Mad Tea-Party. He has also contributed many short stories to a variety of anthologies, including New World, FTL, Y’All, and Tamamo the Fox Maiden and Other Asian Stories, all published by Iron Circus Comics. In 2018 the Comics in Transit comic he did with Mohammed Alsaleh was featured on a PBS News Hour segment about the project. The Best American Comics 2010 anthology lists Jonathon’s short comic Lil’ Ulysses in Chicago as a “notable” runner-up, which proves that it IS an honour just to be nominated, if you’re nominated for the right thing. He sometimes does comics or illustrations on commission as well, having worked for the B.C. Children’s Hospital, the B.C. Ministry of Children and Family Development, and NuDay Syria, among others. He is the president of the Cloudscape Comics Society, is on a semi-regular podcast about comics, and suddenly feels very tired having typed out this whole paragraph.
Please note: the above picture is somewhat out of date and may no longer be a fair representation of the artist. His later work lacks the sheer expressive masterwork of his early endeavors.