Hi, remember a while back you said it was okay to use your characters in a cameo scene of my webcomic, Epic Fail. Well I finally finished it (!) and you can see Matilda and Constance in the crowd here: http://epicfail.xepher.net/2010/03/07/webcomic-cameos-completed/
Feel free to use the image and wallpaper on your own site or as you wish!
Also, I’m getting my first 30 pages made up into a printed comic book. Can I include your cameo in this (you will get given credit)?
Finally, would you be a real star and add me to your links page. I’ll return the favor. Cheers!
Oh cool! Yeah you can totally use that in your book. Nice!
My links page is pretty overcrowded at the moment, but I’m definitely going to use this image as an excuse to mention your site in blogs and tweets and such. I just need to survive the convention I’m going to tomorrow then I’ll get on it.
The comics on this website range in rating from all ages to teen. Content warnings include some occasional mild language and some innuendo, and some not-very-graphic violence.
Hi, remember a while back you said it was okay to use your characters in a cameo scene of my webcomic, Epic Fail. Well I finally finished it (!) and you can see Matilda and Constance in the crowd here: http://epicfail.xepher.net/2010/03/07/webcomic-cameos-completed/
Feel free to use the image and wallpaper on your own site or as you wish!
Also, I’m getting my first 30 pages made up into a printed comic book. Can I include your cameo in this (you will get given credit)?
Finally, would you be a real star and add me to your links page. I’ll return the favor. Cheers!
Oh cool! Yeah you can totally use that in your book. Nice!
My links page is pretty overcrowded at the moment, but I’m definitely going to use this image as an excuse to mention your site in blogs and tweets and such. I just need to survive the convention I’m going to tomorrow then I’ll get on it.
Good luck at the convention. I hope you sell lots and lots.