The Secret Origin of Chop Suey
Chapter: Secret Origin of Chop Suey
In China there is no such thing as chop suey, or at least, there is a regional dish by that name that is completely unrecognizable. Nevertheless soon after Li Hongzhang’s trip to the United States, “chop suey” restaurants started sprouting up everywhere in North America.
*Laughs* Oh, man! This was classic! What a marvelous version of the story!
Hi Jonathon,
I am the art director for the educational publication called Education About Asia. This is a not-for-profit publication of the Association for Asian Studies based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The magazine has a relatively small subscriber base of teachers and professors in the US, and is published 3-times per year. I am working on the Winter 2011 issue with the theme “Food, Culture, and Asia.” Our lead article “Who’s Afraid of Chop Suey?”, by Charles W. Hayford. Your cartoon would be perfect for this article. May I use it, and credit you with a link to your blog page?
Willa Davis
Yeah alright! If you include a link to, and maybe mail be a copy of the magazine, you can totally use it. Send me an email at “me (at) jonathondalton (dot) com” and I can send you a print resolution copy of this page.